Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Introducing Carlos Whittaker

This is an exert from Carlos Whittaker's blog (www.ragamuffinsoul.com)

Save Us From These Comforts – Danny’s Story


Save us from these comforts.
Break us of our need for the familiar
Spare us any joy that’s not of You
And we will worship You

This is one of my favorite choruses on my new album. It brings out strong reactions in people. I’m finding 2 reactions the most popular.
1. What? Really? C’mon. You don’t really want to sing that.
2. Oh my God. This is the chorus that my church has needed to sing for years. I can’t sing it enough. BREAK US LORD!!!

Through my conversations with the reactionaries I am finding some things to be consistent. Those who are comfortable in their faith really aren’t hip with too much disturbance and disruption in their mojo. If things are good. If things are stable, why ask God to save us from these comforts? And those who are desiring something…”more”…from whatever it is they are searching for, are singing this chorus until their voices give out. This chorus is taken from a book of Puritan prayers. Those guys wanted something extra. Something I don't quite understand. Or didn’t. Until I met Danny.

Danny is a homeless guy in Atlanta who happened to walk up on me while I was shooting the EPK for my new record. I was singing the song…God Of Second Chances.
Danny walks up…kneels down…starts crying…puts his hands up in the air…and…

If you listen carefully at the end you hear me saying this to Danny.
“Keep trying to make it man.”
He looked me square in the eye…cocked his head sideways with a confused look on his face…and said, “Trying to make it? No man. I ain’t trying to make it…I’m making it. Jah puts His soldiers everywhere. Jah says, Yea though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death… So He places some of us, in that valley.”

Save us from these comforts.
Break us of our need for the familiar
Spare us any joy that’s not of You
And we will worship You


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