Monday, December 12, 2011

Advent: A Week of Joy

This third week of Advent is all about joy! Now there exists some varying traditions in the color of this candle. Traditionally, pink or rose is used; however, some churches use a purple candle here, and the Sunday before Christmas they would use the rose candle. The first two weeks of advent tend to be more subdued, while this candle reminds us that Christmas is a time for rejoicing and cheer. This candle sometimes is referred to as the shepherd candle. The shepherds were the first to be told about the birth of Christ from angels who told them to rejoice. Now, I know that many people teach that shepherds were the lowest of society, which is true; but the greatest, previous, king of Israel was a shepherd boy... interesting.
The song for this week is by Tenth Avenue North of "Deck the Halls." Now in my mind, Tenth Avenue North is not a band known for their silliness; however, their rendition of "Deck the Halls" embraces the idea of simple joy at Christmas. That and this video just makes me giggle. (Warning: For those who take things literally and seriously, be warned this video is neither of those things.)

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New Release

Today's new release is from Jeremy Camp. His new cd "The Story's Not Over" is now in store. Stop on by and grab a copy. 😊...